Yuga signifies an era within the cosmic cycle of time. In a full cosmic cycle, there are four Yugas, forming the Chatur or Maha Yuga. Our company's name reflects this timeless endurance, symbolizing strength and resilience across all eras and conditions.
Founded by a Ph.D. scholar from IIT Kharagpur, Yuga Defense leverages a strong mechanical engineering foundation and a vision to transform defense technology. Backed by IIT Kharagpur’s academic excellence and a team of experts in advanced engineering, electronics, materials science, and defence technologies, we ensure continuous innovation and cutting-edge solutions.
Engineered for reliability and performance in modern warfare.
Innovative technologies tailored for national security applications.
Collaborate with us on research and development initiatives to create custom defence solutions.
Expert consulting in mechanical design, materials science, and electronics for defence applications.
Exploring the latest breakthroughs in secure quantum communication for defence applications.
How artificial intelligence is transforming battlefield strategies and operational efficiency.